Implementation of ORCID in Denmark

Denmark’s Electronic Research Library is funding the project “Research documentation and communication in support of innovation and growth”that runs for two years. The project includes a number of sub-projects including the implementation of ORCID in Denmark.

The initial goal is to establish a national ORCID consortium for participating institutions. The consortium is established for the period 1 September 2014 to 31 March 2016. Consortium members are: Aalborg University, Aarhus University, Copenhagen Business School, Technical University of Denmark, research institution of the Ministry of Culture (The Royal Library), the University of Southern Denmark, Roskilde University, and UC Viden (vocational university colleges). The Technical University of Denmark is head of the consortium.

The goal of the project is that 80 per cent of the permanent academic staff at the above institutions have an ORCID ID by 2016, and that their ORCID IDs are registered in the local institutional repositories (Pure systems). Apart from establishing a national consortium, the project has a number of concrete services that must be fulfilled in support of the overall goal of reaching 80 per cent registered ORCID researchers by 2016:

  • Developing a national implementation toolkit containing instructions, manuals, templates, PR material etc. for the purpose of easing the burden of implementing ORCID locally. The website is part of the toolkit. Aalborg University Library heads the development.
  • National support function. Aalborg University Library will support the implementation work of the individual institutions, and manage the establishment and operation of a national ORCID support service.
  • ORCID registration at the individual institutions will be monitored during the course of the project. The result will be compared to that of the other participants in relation to the overall goal and sub-goals of 40-60-80 per cent registration of researchers. Thus, the institutions are engaging in a friendly battle to create incentive and motivate researchers to create ORCID IDs.
  • Likewise, institutions participating in the project will receive financial support based on their performance and achievement of goals – cf. number of ORCID registrations.
  • Establishment of a national ORCID/researcher database that presents researchers as they create local ORCID IDs. In this way, it will be possible to measure whether the institutions achieve their goal, and how they perform compared to other institutions. The Technical University of Denmark will head the development of the national ORCID/researcher database.

If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact project manager Mikael K. Elbæk, DTU Bibliotek
