ORCID-DK Cosortium Meetings

ORCID-DK Consortium Meeting March 3 2020

Location: Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Meeting Room 4, 2nd floor, Meeting Center, Building 101

The meeting is an opportunity to learn about new ORCID developments, to get a status on how ORCID implementation is proceeding in Denmark and to receive new inspiration for the ORCID implementation. We have representatives from ORCID participating. The meeting is held just before a PID workshop – also at DTU – so there is the possibility to participate in both the ORCID-DK meeting and the PID workshop.

We plan a short (5 min) update from each member at the meeting. Please prepare that for the meeting The update should contain:
• Implementation efforts in our organization – or thought about that
• Status on how many ORCID iDs you have in your local Pure – how many have set up export to ORCID
• Do you use import from ORCID to Pure
• Systems where you have ORCID implemented at your organization
• Systems that you encourage our organization to connect to ORCID (WoS, Scopus etc.)

Program for the day
09.30-12.00: ORCID-DK Consortium Meeting

  • ORCID implementation at the member organisations (5 min each)
  • ORCID roadmap
  • Further implementation of ORCID in Denmark

12.00-13:00: Lunch
13.00-16.30: PID workshop, where the consortium members are invited (read more: https://deffopera.dk/pid-workshop-march-3-2020/)